Angelina Jolie’s Breast-cancer Surgeon, Revealed

One thing. Do it right.” Okay, fine, so it’s a pretty posh spot, but not egregiously so: I had flown to Beverly Hills worried I was about to walk into a Truman Show version of a doctor’s office. I imagined a place that would downplay the seriousness of breast cancer, as if it were a minor inconvenience like a sprained ankle, rather than the killer it can be … But I had it completely wrong. Yes, everyone who works in the clinic wears black and pink scrubs, and a few too many items, down to the coffee cups, bear the clinic’s logo. But as a whole the place is rather unassuming. Of course, you don’t name a place “Pink Lotus” without immediately ordering a bunch of monogrammed mugs and Georgia O’Keeffe prints for the bathrooms. But anyway, just because Dr. Funk has treated wealthy women like Jolie and Sheryl Crow doesn’t mean she’s not interested in helping the poor and uninsured. In fact, the clinic accepts Medicare, Medi-Cal (California’s version of Medicaid), and those without insurance altogether. She and her husband have also started a charity called Pink Lotus Petals (evenbettermonograms!) that will help women pay for care if they need it. It seems likelywe’ll hear more about Dr.

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